
The End of This Year

What's up? This Year is Passing! In the end of last year, I also wrote this article. sonohennniiru.hatenadiary.jp I noticed I wrote this kind of articles every year since I opened this blog. I want to do the same thing every single end of …

Short Talk - Devotion

Who do you respect? The associate professer who teaches me is one of the persons I respect. He really devotes his life to what he decided to do. He always does that. Do you have anything you want to acheive in your entire life? When you fi…


時間は有限。 最近は平日朝から夕方まで基本的に研究室で、それに加えていろいろやろうとしているのでなかなか忙しい。するとやはりタイムマネージメントが重要で、それぞれのやることに対してどう考えているか一旦整理したい。 研究はできる範囲で頑張りた…

Short Talk - Various Meats

No way! negineesan.hatenablog.com Today, I thought I am going to write a article about how international my labratory is, but I cheaked this above article just now and I want to share this with you before that. Actually, I have ever eaten …

Short Talk - Venice

You know Venice looks so nice. Venice Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia - YouTube I heard the movie of pokemon, mizuno miyako, was on TV and regretted it later. This movie is one of my favorite animes. The last kiss scean made me so excited.…

Small talk - Becoming Teacher

A few months ago, I occasionally wanted to be a high school teacher. アニメ「セイレン」と僕 - そのへんのめも アニメ「セイレン」の期待と実際 - そのへんのめも As watching Seiren, I thought that my entire life was already ended at a last day …


今期一の期待アニメ、セイレンの前半戦が終了しました。僕がこのアニメにいかに期待していたかは下の記事を読んでください。 アニメ「セイレン」と僕 - そのへんのめも 上の通り、僕は「これぞ学園恋愛アニメ!ブラボー!これが観たかったんだ!」という、あ…